Web Designer Portfolio WordPress Theme

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When it comes to creating a website for your web designer portfolio, WordPress is the most popular choice for this purpose. Wea€™d like to introduce to you MalcolmY, a WordPress template designed for showcasing your creative works. Whether youa€™re an artist, illustrator, UI/UX designer, web designer, art director or a freelancer, this theme provides you with necessary tools and functionality to create your digital portfolio fast and have a ready-made website in a matter of hours. The key component in making MalcomY a great portfolio theme is Cherry Projects. It is a portfolio plugin developed by TemplateMonstera€™s WordPress team that lets you showcase your projects in a beautiful fashion, and gives you control over how they are displayed on a page. The theme is easy to personalize by changing colors, typography, header and footer layouts, and other website elements. Whata€™s more, you can customize and create new pages thanks to Power page builder, a drag-and-drop tool that takes the pain out of page creation and makes it easy and fun to build your website. MalcolmY is designed to take your design portfolio to a new level, let it become your best tool for this purpose!
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