Mash Able Bootstrap 4 Admin Template #65324

Mash Able Bootstrap 4 Admin Template

Price : $25 NULLED

Mash Able is made using latest Bootstrap 4 Beta framework and its fully feature riched admin template. Angular 4 also available with upgrade version of mash able 2.0. Now Its fully supported latest Angular 2 & 4 version.

It can be useful for every type of project backend - Main feature includes ready to use dashboards variants, widgets, complete form versions, auth pages, simple and dynamic tables for your better data organization, vast collection of charts for your data visualization, lots of ready to use apps and extensions.

Mash Able admin template is fully featured riched and most complete admin website template ever built on Bootstrap 4 framework.


  • User Membership System
  • Inventory Management System
  • E-commerce Project
  • Social Networking project
  • Task Management Admin Theme
  • Chatting Application
  • Payroll System
  • Online Examination System
  • Medical Store System
  • Hospital a€“ School a€“ Library a€“ CMS a€“ Management System
  • Domain Hosting Backend Theme
  • HRM Application
  • Sales ERP
  • Freelancer Project Tool


  • High Performance - Our first prior is to make a Mash Able Admin Theme with High Performance in every angle.
  • Easy Development & Much Flexible - Mash Able is the full flexible solution for your entire project development. Well structured & commented code styles give you much easy project development.
  • Dependencies / No Dependencies
  • You may use Mash Able with or without any further dependencies like Grunt, Bower, Sass. The choice is yours!
  • Custom Bower Package Installation
  • First time ever! If you are using Bower then try our custom Bower Package Installation using bower-installer. It reduces 90% package size.
  • Online & Offline Documentation Help
  • We understand your help concern while using Mash Able Dashboard Template a€“ We provide Online as well as Offline Documentation which helps you where ever you are.
  • More Demos a€“ Suits your needs
  • Mash Able comes with vast variants of demos and layouts which suit your complete backend development.
  • Future Enhancement
  • We continuously work on Mash Able future enhancement and for that, we integrate useful plugins continuously.
  • Live Customizer
  • Color combination, Layout variants, Sidebar variants all be a change in just one click using Live Customizer.


Numbers that Matters
  • 1 Landing Page
  • 4 Dashboard
  • 24+ Menu Variants including Horizontal a€“ Vertical a€“ RTL Backend Dashboard
  • 50+ Ready to use form
  • 100+ Widgets
  • 100+ Useful Charts & Maps
  • 250+ Pages
  • 500+ Form Element
  • 1000+ UI Components
  • 5000+ Font Icons

Well organized cards, charts, tables, counters, social counters etca€¦ which really suits your Dashboard Analytics. Well organized cards, charts, tables, counters, social counters etca€¦ which really suits your Dashboard Analytics. 4 pre developed dashboards includes

  • Default
  • E-commerce
  • CRM
  • Analytics Project
Page Layouts

Page Layouts includes Vertical a€“ Horizontal and RTL Menu variants as well as Box layout. It contains 24+ features. Menu feature includes,

  • Static Layout
  • Header Fixed
  • Compact Menu
  • Sidebar Fixed
  • Static with Icon
  • Fixed with Icon

Navigation is the main header of admin template. It includes various styles like,

  • Navbar Inverse
  • Navbar with elements

Widgets are the central heart of Mash Able Admin Template. 100+ Widgets easing your development.

Basic Components

In every stage of your project development, Basic Components is required.

  • Alert, Breadcrumbs, Button, Box-shadow, Accordion, Generic class
  • Tabs, color, Label Badge, Progress var, Pre-loader, List, Tooltip & pop over
  • Typography etca€¦
Advance Components

3a€™rd party Advance Components integrated with Mash Able Backend Theme.

  • Draggable, Grid stack, Light box, Modal, Modal form, Notifications
  • PNOTIFY, Rating, Range slider, Slider
  • Syntax highlighter, Tour, Tree view, Nestable, Toolbar, X-Editable
Extra Components
  • Session Timeout,
  • Session Idle Timeout
  • Offline

Animate.css useful for giving animation to any element.

Sticky Notes

5000+ font icons which load faster than image icon.

  • Font awesome
  • Themify
  • Simple line icon
  • ION icon
  • Material design
  • Ico fonts
  • Weather icon
  • Typicons
  • Flags
Form Components

Nothing is skipped in Mash Able. Too Good collection of Form elements

  • Form components
  • Form Addon, Elements-Advance,
  • Form Validation
  • Form Picker
  • JSON Form
  • Form Select
  • Form Masking
  • Form Wizard
  • Ready to Use Form

Data is every thing. Display data in the proper way is much important than any thing else.

  • Table collection like
  • Bootstrap Table
  • Data Table
  • Data Table Extensions
  • Foo Table
  • Hands on Table
  • Editable Table
Charts & Maps

Visual Data Analysis using vast variants of different types of chats & maps included with Mash Able.

  • Google Chart, Echarts, ChartJs
  • List Chart, Float Chart, Know Chart, Morris Chart
  • Nvd3 Chart, Peity Chart, Radial Chart
  • Rickshaw Chart, Sparkline Chart, C3 Chart
  • Google, Vector Maps
  • Google Map search API
  • Location
Landing Page

Ready to use designed pages.

  • Auth a€“ Login Pages
  • Maintenance Pages
  • User Profile
  • Blog
  • E-commerce
  • E-Email Templates
App & Extension

Integrated App & Extension which completely suits your project requirement.

  • Chat Application
  • CRM Contact
  • Social
  • Task
  • To-do
  • Gallery
  • Editor like CK-editor, WYSIWYG, ACE, Summer Note, Long Press Editor
  • Invoice
  • Event Calendar
  • Image Cropper
  • File Upload
  • Internationalise for multi language page.

Live Demo



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