Flex - Portfolio & Resume Website Template #65538

Price :
Flex is an HTML5 portfolio template, dedicated for freelancers photographers, web designers, developers or artists.Made with Google's Material Design, this template is composed with the latest technology and web design trends.
- Fully Responsive
- Mobile Friendly
- 12 Column Grid
- Based on Google's Material Design
- Cross Browser Compatible
- Clean, Modern and Creative Design
- 7 Different Demos
- W3C Valid HTML Code
- Based on Materialize.css
- Well Documented Code Files
- FontAwesome Icons
- Material Icons
- Scroll Monitor Plugin
- Parallax Image
- Full Screen Slider
- Image Carousel Slider
- Video Background
- Particles Effect
- Animated Text Effect
- Rippling Layers Effect
- SVG Morphing Background Effect
- Contact Form
- Detailed Documentation
- Single Portfolio Template
- Google Fonts
- Fully Customizable
Live Demo

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