Academy - Education, Learning Courses & Institute Template Website Template #65554

Academy - Education, Learning Courses & Institute Template Website Template

Price : $75 NULLED

Academy a€“ Mobile Responsive Template For School / Education / Academic HTML template. Clean, crisp and simple design

that can easily be adapted and used for variety of similar niche websites.

It is very easy to customize according to education types or any other business also can use it.

Education HTML Academy is Education HTML5 Template for education purpose websites or portals. It is suitable for Education Course related client projects and it includes each types of web elements which helps you to build your own site according to any requirement.

Academy has evetything which is required to start you next upcomming course and institute related websites.

Academy is suitable for Big Education Learning Management System website.

This education templates are fully mobile responsive. It fits perfectly on various displays and resolutions from regular desktop screens to tablets, iPads, iPhones and small mobile devices.

Academy is using latest Bootstrap 3.

It is suitable for educational LMS, web, Courses Hub, Training Center, Academy, College, School, Kindergarten, University.

Note: All images are used for preview purpose only and not included in the final purchase files.

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